Vineet Singh Hukmani, aka Vineet, debuted his music career only last year but since then, he has achieved a notable feat. The NCR-based singer-songwriter is now the first artist in the world to have 6 of his singles reach number 1 on the European Independent Top 100 2021 music charts.
Vineet started his career with his chart-topping single ‘Dreaming Out Loud’ in the fifth week of 2021, following up with 5 more number 1’s namely “Can I Go Now’ (which he co-created with his kids’ band Avni Vir Vineet), ‘Jab The World’ in week 13, ‘So New’ in week 20, ‘i Pray’ in week 24 and now his latest single ‘Turning Back Time’ hitting the number 1 spot in week 31.
The Top 100 chart, in this case, has been existing for the last 26 years and falls under the aegis of MEI Indipendenti, headquartered in Italy and EIMC – The European Independent Music Commission. These organisations will be gifting Vineet a plaque and a certificate to mark his achievement.
He doesn’t try to box himself within one genre and is a self-proclaimed ‘genre-agnostic’ artist. As is evident from his feat, he caters to a global audience and wishes to get airplay in radio stations all over the world. It’s definitely a Herculean task and as the artist puts it in his own words, ‘I dedicate this to the spirit of being ‘independent’ on India’s Independence Day and to God & my family/friends who have believed in me,’.
Apart from his music, Vineet also dabbles in the field of music education. He is the founder of, a foundation that trains artists from Asia on how to produce and place music on the radio in the US and Europe. The foundation also helps artists discover e-music earning strategies and how to compete for top-level world awards like the Grammys & Eurovision.
In fact, Vineet’s fame shouldn’t come as a surprise as he has been an influential figure in Indian radio since even before his current music career. An electronics engineer by education and a Harvard alumnus, he was was also the former Managing Director and founder of India’s only International format radio station Radio One. His next single is set to release on the 26th of August and is a funk-pop number titled WTF (Where’s The Fun).
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