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Aditya Rao presents SND (Sa Ni Dha); an experimental blend of Indian and Western elements synthesised to create unique colours – Score Indie Reviews

Reviewer Rating:

Synthesis is a multidimensional term which can be used in many contexts to have many meanings. How does SND create a synthesis? And what does it synthesize? Here’s what Oxford Dictionary defines synthesis as: ‘the combination of components or elements to form a connected whole”. SND displays two forms of synthesis.

One which is sonic, and the other which is conceptual. Aditya Rao has an impressive resume of having worked with titans like A.R. Rahman and he works with Shri Sriram (who is a well reputed bassist, composer and arranger) to give us this unique tapestry of a track. 

Sonically, SND relies heavily on the usage of electronic sounds which are derived through various kinds of synthesis (see where this is going?). The layering of sounds that all blend together to create an almost psychedelic vibe, is a brilliant example of the sonic synthesis that the song brings to the table.

I’m sure those of us with GAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrome) can find and create all the sounds. But the sound design on this track with the synthesised instruments and layers, is very reminiscent of synth wave music. 

Conceptually, it brings together Indian Elements and the synthwave soundscape to evoke an almost east-meets-west vibe. The usage of Indian Sargam and tabla rhythms in a synth heavy context, creates an interesting array of colours that can appear to be psychedelic and really cool.

However, it may lean towards the synth side of things a bit too much and the lyrics other than the sargam can leave you mistaking it for an ambient synth heavy track by a western artist. That is, until the Sa Ni Dha hits and that’s when you’re reminded of which space you’re in. 

The experimental nature of the track coupled with the different applications of ‘synthesis’ make it an interesting listen. The colours and imagery are very vivid and unique and very few artists approach fusion music like so. It is a synthesis of more than just the Sa Ni Dha with electronic music and is a very colourful experience. 

Verdict: A deep synthesis on many levels in an experimental and vividly colourful package.

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