Salil Hangekar’s latest song The Blank Postcard is a lively and joyous amalgamation of various emotions, set against his jazz-like arrangement. Featured guest Pallavi Paranjape provides the vocals, adding to the playful touch presented by the track.There’s a lyrical theme running in its entirety as the protagonist struggles to write something on a blank postcard, as the mailman arrives.
Probably addressing it to a romantic partner or a close companion, she strives to find the right emotions to convey in her words as her postcards are as “as blank as my face”.It’s an interesting yesteryear theme to ponder upon as letter-writing as a practice might be falling to an all-time low with every passing year. The instrumentation is highly engaging, with a smooth blues-style guitar solo towards the end.
Despite its positives, there are a few aspects in The Blank Postcard that feel a tad bit haphazard. The chorus lines, “Hey mister, oh my postman” feel rushed and would maybe be difficult to follow for the listeners at least the first time when they hear the song. If they manage to listen to it multiple times, the song would get clearer but it could have still have had more finesse in such parts. Even though it does boast of an upbeat, foot-tapping tempo, it’s such drawbacks that slightly affects its overall “catchiness”. Nevertheless, it’s a different attempt at songwriting and another instance of versatility for both artists.
Verdict: The Blank Postcard is a lively tune that’s far from being “blank”.
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