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Saarang 2012 :: Day 3 :: ProShow – PART 1 – Inner Sanctum & Blind Image


Day 3 was the peak of Saarang mania. This was the day of rock overload (can there be such a thing?) with Decibels, Powerchords & a proshow line-up like never before

I don’t just say that for build-up reasons. Saarang 2012 was the first time FOUR metal bands took the OAT stage. As the crowds gathered to the OAT, it was Decibels winner Crypted roaring onstage with a small posse upfront headbanging. Once they wound up, the stage was ready for brutal hardcore metal courtesy Indian heavyweights Inner Sanctum, Blind Image & Scribe.



This Bangalore based metal act put on a neat performance; in the sense it was evident that everyone was doing their job, the audience was somewhat into it but that was about it. There lacked an X factor. Gaurav Basu, the lead vocalist, with his tresses & sheer presence supplied mega bouts of onstage vigour. A solid set from these guys got over with uncharacteristic applause.

They gave way to homeboys Blind Image. it was with this act that the reason for apprehensive reaction came fully to light. Sound was playing spoilsport. 

Throughout the performance, breaks had to be taken to sort out individual pick ups. It was painfully evident that frontman Noble Lewis, was just about holding it together on behalf of his band. He resorted to asking the audience their opinion on the sound. This might not have been the best idea as upfront were excitable aggressive metalheads who might not have been the best authority on the soundscape.

[youtube_video id=8CoRk23GUxY]

Still, during their time onstage, Blind Image shook up the audience with their music too. Lewis proved to be the ultimate tease, getting the audience to chant ‘wtf’ in unison (not bad for such a huge gathering; timing was surprisingly intact!) acknowledging aloud that this was not a generation of meek youth. The man went on to coax people to break the barricade and the audience barely contained themselves. Not for long though because what followed was arguably the highest point of the evening. 

[youtube_video id=fOTc28GReeM]

Before I get there, a noteworthy mention to the sponsor Durex Jeans. At the darndest times, the ad would spring up on the big screen much to the delight of the audience. Never did we tire of chortling & hooting. 

At this point, a lot of us were warming up to the idea that the next act too, would have little impact. Blind Image had just left stage (rumour has it that a petrified sound guy disappeared and is in fact still missing).

In a way, Blind Image debacle had just sparked the metal-ness of the night. The audience was angry with all the sound glitches. Their musical senses had been tapped and here was a crowd ready to get into the throes of whatever lay ahead – with aggression, frustration & musical mayhem!

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