In other news, the infamous meat dress worn by Lady Gaga is going to be immortalised in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
Through the years, Lady Gaga has raised the weirdness quotient of planet Earth exponentially by donning on a series of, uh, avant garde outfits.
Just a regular day at Sydney airport
I hear coccoons are in this season.
But possibly the most controversial among her array of decidedly bizarre costumes is the dress now known as the capitalised Meat-Dress.
Wearing a dress made entirely of cows at the MTV Video Music awards led to a media furor, protests from PETA ( they called it the “decomposing flesh of a tormented animal.” ) and nagging doubts about the presence of maggots in it.
Well, the dudes at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame have decided to commemorate this epic piece of haute couture by displaying it.
One question though: how do you preserve a dress that is slowly becoming beefjerky?
The dress sent to a taxidermist and put through more cryogenics than Demolition Man, after which it was defrosted, reaasembled and repainted to all its gory glory.
[youtube_video id=wV1FrqwZyKw]
Mother Monster, indeed
So if you want to check out this peice of history then get to Cleveland where it is on display at the Women Who Rock exhibit, along with Madonna’s gold bustier. Unless it has returned to the mothership with the rest of Lady Gaga.
Or eaten by some hungry hobo already.
For the culinarily inclined fashion fetishists, The Meat Dress was designed by Franc Fernandez who assures us that it was 100% beef. Also, it wasn’t the first of its kind as artist Linda Sterling wore such a dress in 1982, in Manchester.
I am sure Lady Gaga has not finished shocking us with her style, but after a dress made of meat, it is difficult to conjecture where she will go.
um, pistachios, anybody?