Venue: Star Rock at
The Spring Hotel Get Directions
Time: 8:30 PM onwards
RSVP: +91 95000 12975
Date: June 23rd
This Saturday at ScoreNight, we have two bands that will assuredly rock your socks off!
Muttu Sandhu: Sathguru Nathan(vocals), Arjuna RK (guitars). Arun Prasannna (keys). Rahul Sridhar (drums) and Cletus Amalan (bass) are coming to give your rock a tangy regional twist!
A Tamil rock band hailing from Chennai, they plan to blow some major brain matter! Here’s a video to give you taste of what they’re going to hit you with!
[youtube_video id=WbhIAfEdJaE]
TWKC: an Experi-metal band from Chennai, Thundu Beedi Water Packet Kuchi Ice Curd Rice promises to freak you out with their Randomly Innovated Performances! Or RIP, as they fondly call them.
Harish Swaminathan (Vocals), Ashwin Ramakrishnan (Guitars), Arjun Vasudev (Lead Guitar and Vocals), Thej Kiran (Bass) and Karthik Narasimhan (Drums) claim that their ‘rapid tempo changes within songs and odd time signatures coupled with quirky vocal and bass lines’ makes them stand out! Experience their X factor live!
Do not forget to pick up our all new June edition of The Score Magazine! We are giving them away to you free at the venue.

See you there! But not before giving you a little checklist:
So gather your music lovin’ friends & family and make it to The Spring Hotel at 8pm sharp!
- Entry fee 400/- (comes with a drink)
- Text your name & the no. of passes you require to 9500012975 or 9841527096. We’ll keep them aside for you!
- Club rules apply. So yes, SHOES!
- See you there by 8pm!
Buy your tickets online to get a 10% Discount >>
Make sure you grab a copy of the magazine at the gig!