Mumbai: Shri at Blue Frog
(Pick of the day) Shrilektric, Shri’s latest avatar is here to get some major jawdropping done! Watch him play bass, flute, mouth percussion, loops and samples from a laptop – all at the same time! He invented multitasking. Yes he did.
[youtube_video id=lwgQm0D1qlI]
Tejas Menon: Thespo 13 festival, Prithvi theatre
Catch songwriter/ RJ Tejas belt out some good ol’ acoustic goodness!“My music is about the real things in life, like Love, cats and aliens” He tells us.
[youtube_video id=AVTcp2pXD0s]
Manipur : Higher on Maiden at TNL Ground Ukhrul
Are you high on Maiden? Prepare to go higher as the world’s only Iron Maiden tribute band who’ve actually played on stage with the actual Maiden members come to blow you away. Psyched? You bet!
[youtube_video id=aIKwWI]
Delhi: Rotten Roses at Ruby Tuesday
“Being low keyed was really never one of Rotten Roses things” You can never be low key if you’re called Rotten Roses. Or are a rotten rose. Heh. Catch them bring the rock back!
[youtube_video id=anKp2u7zXhI]
Pune : Karaoke Nights at High Spirits, Casanova
It’s a long way to the top if you want to rock and roll!But Karaoke nights at High spirits are a good start.
Bangalore: Dark Desolation, De’SaT, Forsaken, Orbitual, The Family Cheese, The Velvet Trap, Time Signature, Verses at The Kyra Theatre
What happens when experimental metal meets satanic black metal meets rock meets metalcore meets melodic metal meets two females, swinging their hips, with every step of the rhythm & beat with a guy on the keyboard?!Your socks. Get rocked!! So, “Come take a bite of the family cheese”- The family cheese
[youtube_video id=5zRCSKkEJJM]
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