Chuck Brown, the ‘godfather of go-go’ is no more.
He breathed his last on Wednesday at the John Hopkins University Hospital in Baltimore. He was 75.
He breathed his last on Wednesday at the John Hopkins University Hospital in Baltimore. He was 75.
Because Halloween is coming soon. And because sometimes, Shakti Kapoor is just not scary enough.
Chennai Hip Hop Fest Finale at Havana organized by Xplicit Events & Raintree Hotels! We sent an unsuspecting victim who came back deaf & screaming. For more, of course!
Rape, Murder, a shitload of drugs. And an emptiness.
Some songs which do to us what Tracy Jordan wants to do when he likes cornbread: take it behind a middle school and get it pregnant.
Because we like you so much.
Rediscovering music. We’re like Indiana Jones really.
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