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A Dash of Soft Strumming with Oodles of Charm and a Whole Lot of Feel Good Factor in Amy Mamtura’s ‘Rehgayi’ – Indie Score Reviews

Reviewer Rating:

Amy Mamtura is a Toronto-raised Indian singer and songwriter who deviated from her 10-year-long journey from a Product Designer to a solid artist. She is under the mentorship of Spotify Radar artist Kevin Fernando while collaborating with producer Ashwin Vinayagamoorthy at Shimmr Studios in Chennai. Her latest release is ‘Rehgayi’, which is the first track from her five-song EP.

The song begins with a soft strumming pattern that continues throughout the track. Amy’s voice provides a calming effect on the mind, which almost feels like a lullaby that implores the person to step into the dream world where everything is possible, and the heart is infinitely happy. The folky vibe, which is augmented by the scintillating music, adds to the song’s charm.

In terms of the lyrics, they are very well written and ‘Ankhon ankhon se hi kuch kaha anjana, tum jahan mein vahan, dekhti bas rehgayi’ which is an ode to a lover where the first speckles of romance reside in the eyes. The singer then states that wherever her lover is, there are her eyes, which she cannot take off. Each line is very reminiscent of first love and the general feeling of falling in love, which is very relatable and appeals to a wide audience. 

In terms of singing, I felt that though Amy’s voice has an undeniable charm, her vocals in this song felt constrained and flat as she uses just one tempo throughout. The song lacks any highs and lows and gets over very quickly without any buildup. Besides this, the song is top-notch and can easily be listened to on a loop, as it has a soothing quality. This one is perfect for calming the soul and creating a happy atmosphere all through the week. 

Verdict: Folksy, Lyrical, Soothing.

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