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Gaga Over a Werewolf?!

Ever since the inception of Lady Gaga, we’ve never really heard gossip about her love life. 

Well, it’s understandable – the way I see it, Gaga can be one helluva intimidating woman; what with all the arty-farty costumes, the incredulous wigs – basically, the whole shebang. 

BUT – earlier this week, she was spotted taking a stroll with her ‘Gentleman Gaga ’Taylor Kinney! Yes, that’s Taylor Kinney of Vampire Diaries fame. He essayed the role of Mason Lockwood, Taylor Lockwood’s werewolf uncle. Apparently, they hit it off during the filming of the video of her song  ‘You and I’ from the album ‘Born this way’.

I sincerely hope Gaga is aware that he isn’t really a werewolf. Broken illusions can be tough but Gaga needs to understand that Taylor will be unable to satisfy her need for ‘weird’ in that respect.

P.S. Could this have been this playing in her mind while walking?

‘Lady and werewolf sitting on a tree,
He bites off her head to set her free?!’    đŸ˜

If you think weirdness has been over mentioned in this post, watch this and decide for yourself:

[youtube_video id=X9YMU0WeBwU]

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