As you must have gathered from the title, Florence And The Machine’s new album Ceremonials, is set to beat Coldplay’s Mylo Xyloto to number one spot on the UK charts.
When we first listened to Florence And The Machine, we was slightly under the influence. And my friend and I agreed that dayumm, this shizz would be perfect for a horror movie soundtrack. Now, (slightly) sobered up I realize that I was pretty astute there, Florence Welch’s haunting voice would be the perfect accompaniment to a Chris Nolan style psychological thriller.
To wit:
[youtube_video id=gi0EqYRLwro]
Small wonder then, that the new album Ceremonials has sold fifty thousand copies in the first two days of its release, and is safely set to push Coldplay to the number two spot.
The annoying Noel Gallagher with his annoying solo album Noel Gallaghar’s High Flying Birds, meanwhile remains annoyingly at number four. Really, who puts his own name on an album eh?
[youtube_video id=kFx_IniNjfE]
Via: Nme.com